‘Drinking from the Well’

Local and global perspectives on Health
A resource pack and training event
DATE: WEDNESDAY 4th OCTOBER, 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm
VENUE: Galway City Partnership
Welcome to ‘Drinking from the Well – Youth Workers’ Guide to Global Health and Justice’, an education resource and photo pack exploring issues related to health around the world. Aimed at youth and community workers, youth leaders, health workers, peer educators, teachers and others working with young people or community groups, the pack provides a range of activities which enable young people to reflect on their own attitudes to health and to consider the different dimensions of health and the factors which influence the wellbeing of people and societies around the world. Finally, the pack provides young people with the opportunity to learn about the links between poverty, justice and health globally.
Galway One World Centre invite you to an evening training event where a trainer from the National Youth Development Education Programme (NYDEP) will take us through a series of activities from the pack . All participants will receive a complementary copy of the 2006 ‘Global Health: Drinking from the Well’ pack.
The training and pack are free of charge but places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
For further information please contact:
The Galway One World Centre
091 530590 / education@galwayowc.org

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